As with any successful venture, it's all in the preparation. To prepare for your theory test, the Drive & Vehicle Agency (DVA) recommends that you study the Highway Code. We provide a great range of official RSA (Road Safety Authority) resources to give you confidence on driver theory test day. Take the first step to passing your test and order your resources from Prometric today!
Driver Theory Test Practice
We offer a comprehensive range of easy to follow, essential driver theory test practice resources in audio CD and book form to help you to pass your theory test and drive safely. What's more, we are the only official RSA (Road Safety Authority) provider of driver theory test revision material in Ireland. Whether you're looking to learn to drive a car or bike and need to pass your theory before you take your practical, or require a CPC qualification to drive a bus, coach or lorry for a job offer, look no further for quality theory test revision materials to pass driver CPC tests.
Pass With Driver Theory Test Revision
Here at Prometric, we have over 20 years of experience providing test development and delivery solutions to the world's most recognised organisations. If you have any concerns or would like more information, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our expert team. Call 0818 606 106, or contact us at Please note that orders are to be dispatched in the Republic of Ireland only.